Omni Bems Automation

Manage Buildings Better

With the benchmark for native BACnet BEMS

Building & Energy Management System (BEMS)


Why Choose the Omni BEMS Platform?


Multiple models and flexible points saves money on hardware and installation


Native BACnet communications ensures seamless connections with other BEMS


Individually tested controllers and on-board diagnostics guarantees reliability


Omni controllers integrate with any existing Innotech or BACnet control system


Omni’s cross-platform, on-board web server makes service and facility maintenance a breeze


Ideal for critical applications, with on-board data logging, time schedules and battery backup

Why Choose Omni?

Programmable Points

Finally a truly Universal Input/Output (UI/O)

Omni is equipped with an Innotech-designed, industry-first microchip (Programmable Point) that is independently programmable as any type of Input or Output.
This is one of the most significant savings for Innotech clients and why Omni is so competitive. Omni’s Programmable Points allow every point on the controller to be used as any type of Input or Output, meaning you can use every point on the controller without waste, reducing costs by decreasing the number of controllers required on a project. Innotech clients will never have an issue of needing 1 extra Sensor Input, but having 4 spare Digital Outputs, which is a common problem with regular BEMS hardware.
Omni allows a programmer to create custom sensors and save them to their Focus library. They can then re-use these on future projects and share them with the rest of the Innotech community. As every Omni point is identical, this creates uniformity and simplicity for commissioning and ongoing service, maintenance and support.

When used as an Input, the supported point types include:

When used as an Output, the supported point types include:

Simplified Native BACnet Communications

Native BACnet communications ensures seamless connections with other BEMS

Although Innotech have been using BACnet as a preferred integration solution for many years, Omni is Innotech’s first Native BACnet Controller which creates many new opportunities for Innotech partners, and significant benefits for clients. Omni applies “Innotech usability” to many complex BACnet processes, ensuring simplicity for existing and new Innotech users.
Omni has extensive BACnet support, including:

Need It Done?

Red Electrical

Proudly Serving Christchurch’s Electrical Demands For Over 25 Years

Services We Offer



Our team of experienced and certified electricians can ensure your lights always stay on.



We’ll keep your home or office’s heating and cooling system in tip-top shape so your building stays comfortable and inviting.



Is your building protected from criminals? We can equip both residential and commercial security systems for added safety.



Using the latest technology, we can integrate your systems with automated software for greater control and flexibility.



We can install a communications system to create a more collaborative and interconnected property.