Service and Maintenance Security Systems

Serving Christchurch For Over 25 Years

Service and Maintenance

Suppose your alarm becomes faulty, or you move into a new property with an existing alarm system that isn’t working as it should. In that case, you need to get it repaired by a reliable security system specialist so that it can offer all the protection your home and family deserve.
We can repair most security alarm systems, even if we haven’t installed them ourselves. We can resolve most faults via a thorough service, but we can also repair complex faults.

Need It Done?

Red Electrical

Proudly Serving Christchurch’s Electrical Demands For Over 25 Years

Services We Offer



Our team of experienced and certified electricians can ensure your lights always stay on.



We’ll keep your home or office’s heating and cooling system in tip-top shape so your building stays comfortable and inviting.



Is your building protected from criminals? We can equip both residential and commercial security systems for added safety.



Using the latest technology, we can integrate your systems with automated software for greater control and flexibility.



We can install a communications system to create a more collaborative and interconnected property.